Support Live Free USA

As we expand our programs, Live Free USA wants to be active in more regions.  We are currently seeking volunteers to set up and man tables at gun shows and preparedness expositions.  The internet alone will simply not work for building real survival preparedness organizations like ours;  we are building with real, face-to-face, boots on the ground activities.

Donate to Live Free

Help us in our commitment to survival and self-reliance with a one-time payment. Any amount is appreciated.

Support us monthly

Consider supporting us on a monthly basis. Your continued support makes a big difference for our organization, and you can name your own price.

N/month until cancelled

As a not-for-profit organization, we must depend on membership, contribution, and volunteers to grow and make a difference.  This is an opportunity to do something about the threats to life and freedom facing America. All we are asking is for a few hours of your time, a few times a year.

We supply banners, literature, and books to sell. Shows are on weekends and usually run from 9:00 AM until 3 or 4 PM, Saturday and Sunday.  We can often get more than one volunteer, so you may only need to cover one day, or just a four-hour shift.  It’s fun, a networking opportunity, and a great way to show your support.

If the shows are in new or remote areas, we may even subsidize gas on hotel costs.  We are particularly interested in help at the gun shows in Crown Point, Lafayette, and Indianapolis Indiana, but any gun show or expo in the United States may be considered.

Please reach out to us if you want to do your part for Americas oldest, best survival and preparedness support organization.