I am often asked why Live Free is not involved more in political activities. After all, “Live Fee” implies a political imperative and philosophy far more than a name with Prepper or Survival in it. My first answer is that there are plenty of great conservative political organizations out there fighting for gun rights and other issues and we often find ourselves working with such organizations to help their members achieve greater functional independence. Our activities are often mutually beneficial and supportive. Live Free’s mission is to advocate, promote, educate and support individual and family preparedness and self-reliance. That is an important and unique mission. Getting involved in political action would simply drift us off message and off mission. Paradoxically, my second answer is that Live Free.s mission is more politically effective than any voting,
I have gotten a lot of favorable comments on this article published in American Survivor so I have added the full article to the “Articles” section of the website.