While the annual meeting is still months away (March 25, 2022) Live Free USA is now accepting nominations for the Board of Directors. Whereas most previous board members have been located in the Great Lakes region, we are a national organization and are very much committed to broadening our leadership. Since board meetings are now held online, and projects are shared on various internet platforms there is no reason that members from coast-to-coast cannot become officers. As of this date there are at least three directorships that are up for reelection and three currently unfilled positions that are available. Officers are elected for three-year terms and are expected to take on various duties and projects as specified in the bylaws. Directorship is an opportunity to be a part of America’s original survival and preparedness organization. Members can place themselves or others into nomination by e-mailing survivorjj@aol.com or writing to Live Free USA, PO Box, 3295 Munster IN 46321. Please provide a brief description of why you want to be nominated.