The mission of Live Free USA is now and has always been the preservation of life and freedom of ALL good citizens. In essence our core principle is that all lives matter. Of course black lives matter, but as a slogan or mission it is by definition discriminatory and divisive. All lives matter is the only acceptable, unifying and positive proclamation. We have also held that “in times of crisis we must all turn TO each other not ON each other” or as Ben Franklin put it “we must all hang together or we will surely hang separately”, yet the extreme left has succeeded in creating division and hatred in the midst of our facing a common menace that should be uniting all Americans. Any slogan that is racial exclusive should be a problem for thinking Americans. All lives matter is a moral imperative and a practical necessity for the survival human life and individual freedom now and in the future. We must not let extremist and anarchist slogans and rhetoric divide us. Life matters and freedom matters.